Fy Sylfaen fawr dragwyddol

Fy Sylfaen fawr dragwyddol
  Yw Christ fu ar y groes;
Ni cheisiaf ond ei Hunan,
  Tra pery dyddiau f'oes:
Mi ymorphwysaf arno
  Yn wyneb 'stormydd blin:
Mae Iesu Grist y Cyfion
  Yn ddigon im' ei Hun.

Am Graig yr iachawdwriaeth
  Fy enaid egwan cân,
Y Sylfaen fawr dragwyddol
  A'r hyfryd Gonglfaen:
Fy Noddfa rhag ystormydd,
  A'm Cysgod rhag y gwres,
Mae'n ganmil mwy rhagorol
  Na chedyrn furiau pres.
1: Hymnau ... (Wesleyaidd) 1844
2: Hymnau yr Eglwys 1883

Tôn [7676D]: Bahia (<1876)

Am graig i adeiladu
Am graig yr iachawdwriaeth

My great eternal Foundation
  Is Christ who was on the cross;
I shall seek none but him,
  While the days of my age endure:
I shall rest upon him
  In the face of the grievous storm:
Jesus Christ the Righteous
  Is sufficient for me himself.

About the Rock of salvation,
  My weak soul, sing thou,
The great eternal Foundation
  And the delightful Cornerstone:
My Refuge against storms,
  And my Shade against the heat,
He is a hundred thousand times better
  Than firm walls of brass.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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